Thursday, September 18, 2008

Think again...


The presentation for SMARTBOARD was being continued and I was a bit worried since Prof Maznah will just randomly choose anyone from us to present in front. Although I felt grateful not to be chosen for the day, the presentations from my other friends have knocked my mind to think over of my presentation. Some critical issues have been raised by Prof and other tutors which make me a bit doubt about my finished product. Am I putting enough thoughts in my presentation? Am I being critical enough in devising activities for the students? Are there enough elements of creativity being integrated in my presentation? How is my learning outcomes and learning objectives suit with my activities? All of these ‘crucial’ questions keep buzzing in my head and need a clear clarification before I submit my assignment next week.

I noticed that creativity is one of the main subject matter being discussed in the class. The most thing that I remembered from creativity is what being said by my friend, ‘Creativity no need to be expressed using astounding, mesmerizing presentation but it may be something simple, but looks creative”. Forgive me if this is not what being said by my friend, but this saying makes me rethink about the content of my presentation. A simple presentation that demands students to think creatively may be better than a presentation that replicates flabbergasting, fascinating pictures that may confuse students at the end of the lesson. Creativity is something that is very abstract. In my opinion, creativity is something ‘invisible’. You cannot say that something is creative just by observing the surface of the presentation. The surface may look very interesting and attracting, but when you try it, you may feel that it is just like any other ordinary presentation. In contrast, a simple presentation may be somehow very creative after you experience it. That’s how I define creativity, and it may sound a bit weird to others, but for me, creativity is something that is very abstract to observe with naked eyes.

Besides that, I noticed that we need to we need to put more effort since we are using SMARTBOARD as our instructional material. The activities produced need to be something that are different from ordinary paper and pencil exercise; or the use of SMARTBOARD will not achieve it supposed objectives. There is a need to exploit the SMARTBOARD and all its features in order to produce a quality instructional material. The level of interactivity between SMARTBOARD and the students needs to be enhanced, and we ‘teacher to be’ are like a promoter who will try to use this latest technology to enhance the effectiveness of the classroom teaching.

After hearing all the comments, I really felt that need to revise and think again of the suitability of my activity. More effort and critical thoughts, combined with creativity and art of teaching may probably be a good ingredient in producing a better SMARTBOARD presentation.


fikkri said...

Yes, we definitely required more in depth thoughts and creativity does look different in different people eyes. By the way, nice blog and the questions really make me think. All the best to you..At-talibah zakiah (good student):)