The process of producing a good activity for my SMARTBOARD presentation was quite tough. I need to find suitable, realistic picture since I am doing the topic about plants. Although there were vast choices of images in the internet, I need to be really careful since some picture may confuse students; especially those who are imported from the other country. For instance, students may have a different view of how banana tree looks like, but the banana tree from the other country may look different at all. As a result, students’ background knowledge will be disturbed, hence giving a negative impact towards their learning. In addition, I also have to photo edit some of the picture, so that it can be viewed clearly by students. As we know, most of the students at this stage are visual learners; they are more attracted to learn if the teacher uses teaching aids that replicate beauty and creativity, besides familiarity with their environment. As a ‘teacher to be’, I need to be aware with this fact so that the teaching and learning process will be more effective and successful for both teacher and students.
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